Clever Little Clock - high-end audio insanity?

Guys, seriously, can someone please explain to me how the Clever Little Clock ( actually imporves the sound inside the litening room?
Zaikesman, please do post the response to Dave Clark. I think the issue we are discussing is of huge importance to high end audio in general. I think if we keep on, we may end up somewhere and perhaps make progress. I am sure that influencing Dave Clark will eventually send ripples through the whole industry.
I actually have about half of a lengthy response to Dave Clark composed and waiting, but I haven't had the heart to carry through with it.

Maybe because you have to make 5 responses to them....;)
By the way, for the record, at the NJAS meeting last week I took the clock out of the house and brought it back in on two occasions while people were listening to music on the system, not telling anyone I was doing it or even letting them know I was leaving the house. No reaction one way or another, no one saying "Hey, what did you do?", etc. While this might not qualify as a double blind test, I think it illustrates the type of test Zaikes comments on in the Clever Little Sharp thread. Maybe there are people of exceptional sensory powers who can hear this thing working, but I'm afraid that I'm not one of them, nor are most of our club members.
Rprince - at least none of the NJAS members heard the clock degrade the sound this time. Seems like progress to me.
