Clever Little Clock - high-end audio insanity?

Guys, seriously, can someone please explain to me how the Clever Little Clock ( actually imporves the sound inside the litening room?
By the way, for the record, at the NJAS meeting last week I took the clock out of the house and brought it back in on two occasions while people were listening to music on the system, not telling anyone I was doing it or even letting them know I was leaving the house. No reaction one way or another, no one saying "Hey, what did you do?", etc. While this might not qualify as a double blind test, I think it illustrates the type of test Zaikes comments on in the Clever Little Sharp thread. Maybe there are people of exceptional sensory powers who can hear this thing working, but I'm afraid that I'm not one of them, nor are most of our club members.
Rprince - at least none of the NJAS members heard the clock degrade the sound this time. Seems like progress to me.


Hi Theaudiotweak,

I see you are the current winning bidder of a CLC. Please let us know what you think of it.

Thanks, Sherod
I teach research methods and find the question of whether a random sample's sampling error could have accounted for the variation noted to be trivial, especially as anything will be statistically significant if the sample size is large.

Maybe I misunderstood what you were trying to say, but to put it simply, if your sample size is too small, say 2 experiments with the CLC, you might guess by chance that there is an improvement with the CLC both times and conclude that it works. If you do the experiment a hundred times you will not consistently guess correctly that there is an improvement with the CLC (unless by some miracle the thing actually worked). You need to do the experiment many times, and consistently determine when the clock is in the house. If the effect is as profound as some people claim, you should be able to easily determine if it is in the house or not 100% of the time.

I applaud Zaikesman's efforts to bring some sanity to this, but for me the damage is done. I simply cannot trust anything that people write here nor anything published in the audiophile mags. I've heard good music in my system so I know there is something worthwhile in high end audio equipment, but audiophiles appear to be a sorry lot and are not doing much to help the hobby with all of this silliness.