Midrange hiss....VERY slight...with my Dared pre

Let me start by saying that I've never owned a Tube preamp. I bought this piece 2nd hand, it has 'upgraded' tubes (installed by the previous owner, who seemed to know his stuff). The model is the SL-2000A. Anyway, after listening I noticed that there is a rather prominent hiss in the midrange. It sometimes is VERY unnoticable...but when the sound is playing in a certain range (perhaps around 2-5khz) the infromation is played with a slight hiss. Is this just what tubes do? Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.

No tubes do not do this. You must have bad tubes in it or other problems with the unit. I suggest you have the unit serviced. Or try different tubes in it.
Some tube preamps have a high noise floor. Some tubes are not 'low noise'. Some amps have high input sensitivity. Some speakers are very efficient. Any or all of these things, especially when combined (two or more), can cause a sound called "tube rush". Proper matching of components is essential to avoid this noise. If you list the names and spec's of your other stuff someone here can probably diagnose your problem.
What type of tubes are in this unit now? Do you know how old the unit is or really how many hours the tubes have on them. What is the efficiency rating of your speakers and what brand? Single driver or multiple?