How can I learn how to fix equipment

I want to know how to trouble shoot something that doesn't work, be able to upgrade some equipment, can I learn this without going to school for 4 years?
You should definitely check out boards.

Also, there are some basic electronics sites easily found, such as this one:
Most kits today are designed to give you an easy-to-build quality product. Heathkits were primarily designed to teach you how the thing worked, and most of them were not of the highest level of performance. But that's how I learned about circuits, long before I took any formal EE education.
It's certainly a much more sensible and attainable goal than do it yourself neurosurgery or neurosurgery in eight weeks at home.
Thanks for the advise, I wonder if anybody knows of a home study program? Trouble shoot is what I would like to know, and maybe what I could do to up-grade a piece.