Stylus cleaner

Does anyone have a home made recipie for a safe but effective stylus cleaner?
My recipe is a combination. Cartridge is ZYX Universe. After playing one side of an LP, I use magic eraser, followed by a few brushes with LAST System Formula 4 Stylus Cleaner. Before dropping the needle on the next side, I apply LAST System Formula 5 Stylast. So far, so good.
Magic Eraser - 1 dip via cue down and cue up, only vertically, is all it takes
I think ME works great and I use it at the end of every listening session. But between sides, I prefer the Zerodust and some liquid stylus cleaner. IMO, using the ME between every side makes the process more prone to human error and the ME can definitely tear the stylus off if it gets caught in those fibers. Again, nothing wrong with ME - it's the human factor I worry about. The Zerodust is a really good product, IMO. It takes the initial dust blob off so it doesn't get into your expensive stylus cleaner and it's very safe, even if you are a bit careless and drop the needle for instance.