Stylus cleaner

Does anyone have a home made recipie for a safe but effective stylus cleaner?
I think this is important enough to repeat. I'm going to give a current example:

I recently purchased Ben Taylor's "Listening" on vinyl.

My normal cleaning procedure includes:

(1) Visual inspection
(2) Depending upon what (1) shows, I then apply Audio Intelligent Enzimatic fluid with a VPI bristle brush (that is always steamed after each lp).
(3) Steam lp.
(4) Audio Desk level (3).

Ususally, this is sufficient. Sometimes not so much. After listening to "Listening" after the first cleaning, I decided to inspect, re-clean.

(1) Applied lighter fluid to surface of lp. (This dissipates extremely fast so use a soft cotton cloth to wipe the surface very quickly.
(2) Re-do my aforementioned process.
(3) Use the AD on level 5.

The results are very gratifying and noticeable, IE: worth it. I know that lighter fluid raises question marks. Understood. My several years of using it in certain situations that are called for, has resulted in no negative effects. The main thing is that it evaporates extremely fast, therefore no chance of damaging affects.

(1) Visual inspection, listen, Ahh!
My recipe is a combination. Cartridge is ZYX Universe. After playing one side of an LP, I use magic eraser, followed by a few brushes with LAST System Formula 4 Stylus Cleaner. Before dropping the needle on the next side, I apply LAST System Formula 5 Stylast. So far, so good.
Magic Eraser - 1 dip via cue down and cue up, only vertically, is all it takes