Hearing loss and center image

I'm wondering if anyone has difficulty w/establishing a center image in their system because of hearing loss in one ear, and if so, what solution/s work best to deal with this problem. (I lost some hearing several years ago, and this is a problem to say the least.) Also, does anyone know whether dual mono volume controls (i.e. Cary SL-98, Atma-Sphere, etc) or an equalizer function would allow me to shape the center image differently than the typical single balance control. Any help would be much appreciated.
Yeah, it sounds like things could be considerably worse than they are. I'm off to hear Willie Nelson right now, and hopefully I won't be worrying about the center image! (bringing the trust earplugs just in case). Thanks for the points of reference.
Here is a link to an online hearing test that is very effective. I was a little depressed to see I have a mild hearing loss in frequencies above 6khz in my right ear(10 - 20 db). I am not sure if it is causing my center image to be off to the right or not.

However it made me feel a little better that there are other people on here with the same problem.

I am down significantly in midband in left ear. With digital or analog volume control, I raise left channel. Without, I shift position and speakers if I have to get stable center image.

I use Frank Sinatra All of Me and Ole' Black Magic from Platinum Collection to set levels. These two tracks have served me well for centering image, and Frank seems to sing Dead Center on both with pieces of the band behind him (esp on All of Me).

I also use noise generators to validate.

It might be useful for us if we can recommend songs with good production values and staging where a powerful male or female vocalist is dead center. In many songs (Even on Platinum Collection with Frank), singer is slightly left or right, not always dead center.
"Hope I die before I get Old." -Pete Townsend

"Whoops Too Late !"- Groovey Records

Listening to Phi Ochs-Live in Concert