How To Get The Best Sound From Pandora & Rhapsody?

How do you get the best possible sound from Pandora and Rhapsody? Is a computer via USB Dac the best way? Or, will using one of these newfangled streamers and a Dac give you better sound?

The majority of my listening is from these two sources, and I'd like to go whole hog to get the best possible sound from them. I still listen to cd's and vinyl, but Pandora and Rhapsody is so doggone convenient, that they get the bulk of my listening time.
Mitch 4T,

I said it was "junk sound," not junk. I cannot see how anyone accustomed to high quality CD - level sound (forget HiRes) can find extended listening to Pandora or Spotify, etc. comfortable. It's not snobbery; simply a higher standard created by long term listening to high quality sound. If you drive a Mercedes S Class and then are given a Toyota Tercel to drive, you would feel the same way.

Neal, you're a snob.

I'm a music lover. You're an equipment lover.

I love the journey. You're enamored with the vehicle.

The first three words of your second sentence above define you ("I can't see").
Mitch, I liked your OP. To answer original question, I don't think it would matter between computer/DAC or streamer/DAC with internet streaming.

I use Pandora as a replacement for FM radio. Great way to discover new music, and serves well for background music. Have not tried the other networks. this thread encourages me to do so.

There is a difference between providing an opinion in a somewhat snobish fashion (something we probably all have done at some time), and being a snob. I believe it is always in one's best interest to take the high road when responding. Too many threads are turned south via the deployment of name calling.

In this hobby, opinions vary greatly, passion is intense, sometimes sensitivities are ignited.
Mesch, you are correct. This is a great forum, no need for name calling.

Neal, I apologize. Please accept my apology.
So, from the responses so far, it appears that the summary answer is quite simple... buy as good of a DAC as possible. The only other issue is that you might also reclock your digital signal pre-DAC with one of Steve's devices (or alternatives). And Neal is a snob.

There are albums on Rhapsody that sound better than many of my CDs. The Rhapsody version never sounds better than the redbook version, but that doesn't mean it's bad.