Preamp for Bryston 3BST / Magnepan MG1.6QR

I am interested in people's experience with preamps in a Byston/Magnepan setup. I currently have a Bryston BP20 that results in a very thin and cold midrange. I am looking for something fuller and warmer. I have read good things about the Rogue preamps with Bryston amps, but I'm interested in how the Magnepans stir the mix. Thoughts anyone?
How about a tube preamp? It may be the Bryston Amp? I ran some inexpensive NAD gear with my 1.6's. The NAD 272 had plenty of power and was one of the smoother amps I had in my system. You can get the 272/162 pre for the cost of some preamps.
I am fairly certain it is the preamp. I have run my Denon 4802 receiver as my preamp as a test only to discover it sounded better than my BP20 in this setup. I am definitely interested in tube preamps (Rogue 99, ARC LS15, BAT 3ki) and I am looking for other peoples experience.
You can't go wrong with a Rogue 99M - it worked very well when I had a 4B-SST amp. You can find these in the $1100 range and while there are other choices it would be hard to beat at that price. ARC is also a great match according to many owners but I have not had one personally.
Check out the deHavilland Verve tube preamp. It can be found for less than a grand. This tube pre has amazing, warm detail. I personally use the deHavilland Ultraverve preamplifier with my Bryston 14Bsst with very nice results for my ears.
Your on the right track. You would be surprised at how good the current crop of tube pre sound; especially in comparison to the Bryston pre amps. You will have all the detail or more than the BP-20, plus you will get a 3-D soundstage and "warmth" that the Brystons can only hint at.

The TAD-150 seems like a winner as well as the newest little Rogue (be leary of 66 and 99). The Lector ZOE, athough hard to find is also excellent.