Best Budget Choice for Preamp w/MC Built-In?

Greetings and thanks in advance for all thoughtful opinions! I'm putting together a new 2-channel system and now need a preamp to complete the package. The primary source will be a Thorens TD-320 with Denon DL-103R; I'll play CDs as well, but the line stage capability of the preamp will not be as important as the phono stage. The power amp will be an ATI 1502, which will put out about 220 wpc into the 4-ohm GMA Continuum-1's I picked up here on a'gon. (Actually picked up the ATI here as well!)

Now my budget is $250-300, which I know is tiny and inconsequential, but, well, that's it for now, so my choice is likely to be limited to vintage solid state. The guys at audiokarma have convinced me to consider one of the older Yamaha preamps in the C and CX series. The other model I've read good things about is the B&K Pro-10MC.

Has anyone heard these units and have thoughts about them? Are there other candidates I should know about? I don't care whether it has a remote or not -- I'm looking purely for the best phono sound possible in a single-full-function preamp.

Thanks for all help, Rich
I have owned three of the preamps your looking at. The Nak C-5A, Adcom GFP-555II, and the Yamaha CX-600 and CX-630. Dang I can't believe I've owned all of those myself. In order of preference, I think the Nak is far above all the rest in sound and build quality. Next was the Yamaha CX-600, it had better quality components than the newer CX-630. The thing about the two Yamahas is the outer cosmetics were quite a change but the inside layout was nearly identical with the exception of the quality. I did not care for the Adcom, it was very noisy comapred to the others with noticeable hiss when idling. Before I sold the Nakamichi I took pictures of the inside to show the quality of the parts. I could email them to you if you like (that is if they are still on my other computer hard drive.
Thanks again folks.

Viridian, thanks for the correction on my limited "research" into the Adcoms and MC.

Seantaylor99, assuming I take your advice and sell the ATI for, say, $300, that leaves me $600 for an integrated. What integrated can you recommend at that price that has an excellent MC stage and sufficient power for the C-1's? Thanks.

Timrhu, very helpful information, since you've actually heard some of these units! Just to be precise, was the Nak you had a CA-5 -- is the C-5A just a typing transposition or was that a different preamp? Thanks.
WG ... The following would work

Mission Cyrus 2 with PSX (rare, but come up on ebay)
Arcam Delta 90 (there's one on Audiogon right now)
Sean, Would either of these do MC phono better than ATI/Yamaha or ATI/Adcom or ATI/Nakamichi or ATI/B&K combos? Thanks, Rich
Both have an excellent reputation for MC phono stage, particularly the Mission.

I just throw them out as great amps. I suspect you'll get more for your money in the price range by staying integrated, and I think the ATI has more power than the GMAs require, but I'm not going to tell you that my suggestions WILL sound better.