Rowland "house sound"?

I am interesting in purchasing a Rowland model 3 to replace my BAT VK-60. I have never heard the amp but have heard good things about Rowland in general. I am wondering how they will sound with my VSA VR4jr's playing clasic rock.
It slays the Levinson, and Krell by comparison, is not in the same league as either.
Levinson lacks any musicality, (not meaning coloration but the soul of the presentation, that ineffable quality we recognize as music)and, again, IMHO, Krell is somewhat hashy in the last three audible octaves by comparison.
Samzs12 is correct in saying that everyone's ears are different--this of course is what I hear. No pitchforks please, just an opinion.

Samzs12 is correct in saying that everyone's ears are different--this of course is what I hear. No pitchforks please, just an opinion.

I couldn't agree more with that statement. The fun part of this hobby is the journey of getting where we want to be. I think I will listen to as much as I can at this point & have some fun finding what I feel will make my system special to me.
Since Jeff's "move" to switching amps I wonder if the "house" sounds different?
02-24-06: Unsound
Since Jeff's "move" to switching amps I wonder if the "house" sounds different?

IMHO, it's a POS sound now! I did not care for the 201 - all the audiophile attributes but no soul. One friend disliked it as well (he was driving Piega C8 Ltd. I think that I have his speaker model # correct). Another friend just loves them (he's driving JM Lab Mezzo Utopias non-Be tweeter).

02-23-06: Jtinn
I would recommend a used pair of Rowland Model 6 monoblocks or even the Model 2 stereo amplifier. Both are very musical and

I certainly prefer Jeff's older all-analog power amps tho Model 2, Model 6 & Model 10 are not my personal favourites. All-the-same Jtinn's reco is a good one. All of them have a certain "dark" nature to their sound & it seems that one needs to "compensate" for this by using a bright speaker. I've only heard these amps at Rowland dealers, friend's houses, etc.