Tube Amp Around $1000

I am going to buy a tube amp for my system and am thinking of a TAD-60. I have Usher 520 speakers, a CAT SL1 MKII preamp and a Resolution Audio Opus 21 CD player. I will be updating the speakers some time next year. Anyone have an opinion on the TAD-60 or other suggestions? I want to keep the price around $1000 new or used.
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I have read that the CJ MV-55 has the classic tube sound, which I would like. Does the TAD-60 have some of that or is it more like the SS sound?
I think that it has some of both. With the stock tubes it has that airy midrange but, when I rolled in some Tung Sol reissues it not only had the airy midrange but, the bass was more powerful and the highs seemed more detailed and extended. The overall sound is balanced and non-tiring. I have not heard the CJ so I cannot comment on it.
Cary's are classic in my opinion. They have the lush mids and tend to sacrifice a little on the extremes. Some call them warm and fat. One thing for sure, they have the Cary house sound for their sonic signature. It's pretty noticeable so if it's not your cup of tea you need to consider something more neutral. I enjoyed my V12i and in some ways regret selling it. If my speakers were more efficient I'd still have that amp today.
another thing; i have a very nice preamp but i don't use it with cd. the system sounds so much better just using the vp-16 without the pre.