i think a dared vp-16 would drive them..it doesn't sound like you are a headbanger and this amp is very smooth and rich. why don't you ask to try it? I asked if he would take it back if i didn't like it and he said yes. I had it packed up to go back but couldn't do it. i use sylvania drivers in mine, but you might like the stock ones as they are kind of hot on top. it looks like your speakers are a little weak on the very top and this amp could be a great compliment. the 6v6 has kind of a relaxed loose bass that could compliment a nice little 5" driver in a little box. i liked to deal with joe so much. I broke a tube and he sent out another without request for payment or hassle ( i sent him a ck. anyway for his time). a friend of mine just did a deal with tad and did not receive the nicest treatment. this amp drove axiom m-60 very well and sounded better than the oddyssey amp. your speaker is a little harder to drive, but we were playing the system LOUD. give it a try. I bet a cj would be good too; i just haven't heard them. al i know is my amp is staying and i will build around it.