CIA D200's Vs. Odyssey Stratos Extreme Monos ?

I have heard a great deal about the Channel Island amps. I have the Odyssey Extreme Monos paired with the Modwright SWL 9.0 SE. Wondering if anyone can tell me if they prefer the CIA D200 or D100's over the Odyssey's. I listen to mostly classic rock, all kinds of jazz, and female vocals.

Mdhoover, Let me guess,you have a set of Mono Extremes?What experiences have you had with them compared to other equippment? Jamnperry,I'm happy for you,it sounds like you have what it takes to make things work for you.I know that can sometimes be quite an accomplishment in itself.One of my main points however is what may work for you with your other components may not work with others.I realize we are talking about the main thread of the Modwright,the CIAs and the Odysseys,however the rest of the system must never be ignored.I personally would love to try the Modwright.One point I would like to make in my case is my bullheaded attitude to make the B&W I801s work for me,which I have done very well at,however these B&Ws are probably one of the most difficult speakers to work around due to their inheirent design.The Parlando amp I had would only drive the B&Ws at moderate levels without falling on its face,but I also have a set of Totem Hawks that the Parlando just drove the snot out of and it sounded very good for what it was-huge soundstage,nuances you never new existed-etc.,butI have yet to find a two way speaker to really give a true satisfiying full range sound as the B&Ws.I believe the B&Ws really limit me to what will work for me compared to if I got rid of them and replaced them with something a bit more forgiving.Everything has its limits and demands in the system,some are just more forgiving than others.I know the Odysseys are looking very promising for me right now. They are currently at the Jekell and Hyde stage,where they end up,who knows.I know they exibit superior control over the B&W drivers,which is a huge plus.One of my biggest concerns before I ordered the Odysseys was if they offered huge current and power to control drivers,would they still have the innerdetail,soundstage,layering-etc.that I had with the Parlando?I think I have had a preconceived notion that you can't have both attributes in an amp,just look at the small 5 wpc powered se amps and speakers with Fostex drivers-etc.,Not quite full range,but makes a guy wonder why you would really want for more.I have a little Modded Cayin TA-30 that is quite impressive for a modest price,and I hear great things of the little gain clones.But that's not what our quest is,now is it?
I need to send my amp off for some additional mods that I want to have done. In the process, I was going to get the Odyssey amp so that I could audition it and listen to music while my amp is away. Trouble is, the more I look into these amps and the more I hear about them, I'm concerned I may want them to stay in the system. I don't think they would be done justice sitting in a box or in a second system (which someday I will have).

As for the CIA/Modwright combo I heard this set-up at RMAF last fall. It was a very impressive system. Also, I have been to Dusty Vawter's house to audition the CIA amps in his system which included his passive preamp. I would have to say the Modwright has the ability to keep the transparency intact, while adding that touch of warmth I believe the amps need. The CIA and Modwright are an excellent combination.
Musicalmaniac, I have heard some Digital amps, and the extremes.... Not the CIA's however, you need to A-B test this and now is your opportunity to call them up, Tell them you want these amps for an audition to see if they will compete well on your speakers vs. A/B circuit pure muscle amps. The odysseys are EXTREMLY neutral, nothing super excited about them, just very dynamic and natural sounding, if you are looking for the absolute bottom end, or better sizzle with the B&W's you will need a flavored amp of some spice, the odysseys do not seem to provide this to me, they are just correct, Big dynamics and soundstage, some have even said they did not like them simply cause they made the sound of the stage Un-realistically large.. So it is possible if you seek a bit more Intimate sound I would suggest A mcintosh amp which is about the same class as the odysseys, but are A tad more warm or fuzzy vs. very accurate like the odyssey sound.. Of course then you run into the issue with B&W / Mcintosh combo, which could be very hit or miss from some research I have seen in the past, might be a bit to soft or not detailed sounding enough... I say get the Channel Islands and go head to head with the odysseys before you have to return them and make this decision on your own, return whichever pair you find inferrior in your setup, I am sure if you call odyssey and tell them this is your plan they can give you an extension on your return time, unless you are already past that.
I wrote a review of the Extremes on Audiogon, which I own and love. The ONLY possible candidate for an amplifier upgrade that I'm even willing to CONSIDER is the Intuitive Design Monoblocks made specifically for the Intuitive Design Summits, which I also own.

The only other amp I've personally owned is a B&K ST 140, which was very good in its own right, but nothing like the Extremes. In terms of detail, I thought they had a LOT more than the B&K, without sounding harsh (when I did the A-B demo at my house).

The statement that there's little out there that's better is second hand, but from a person who KNOWS audio and always tells the truth, whatever it may be (good or bad about any product, without mincing words). I trust his opinion completely. I did not say that there's NOTHING better, and neither would Klaus Bunge himself.
Mdhoover, I thank you for your input and sincerity on this matter.I did do my homework before deciding to purchase these Odyssey Extreme Monoblock-latest edition by the way.These amps are most probably the highest reviewed and rated components I have ran across,and it's hard to go wrong with the trial period with full refund if not happy conditions minus shipping of course.And the 20 year warranty has got to be one of the best out there. Everything I have been looking for has been posted in the reviews for what they are worth.As many reviews are there I would think there should be some shreds of truth there.I have never put a whole lot of trust in reviews however.I am located in the remote central location of S.Dak. so my opurtunities for auditions are limited. I did e-mail CIA regarding a in home demo of their D200s,but have not heard back yet I see their web says they charge a 10% restock fee on returns.That doesn's intrest me especially footing the shipping on top. In any event I will know if the Odysseys are right for me in the end. Right now they change dramaticaly daily. They have 9 days of constant playing on them now.They go from very analytical with huge detail with little base to the opposite to every in between there is right now.I have never experienced anything quite like it,it's so extreme.I'm not sure how long to expect before it settles in since I have been actually playing music 24-7 with it. Klaus claims 6-8 weeks of being powered on with no mention of running music through it for full break in.I would think this should be shortened considerably the way I am doing it unless I am misunderstanding something.The amps sound a bit dark today compared to a couple days ago.How much playing time did you have on yours before it showed its true sonic signature?