300B SET Tube Amp recommendations anyone??


I am in the market for a used 300B "push-pull" SET monoblock amps and my budget is around $3000. I have short speaker cables and would like to keep them so single chassis stereo amp recommendations are not needed.

My Coincidents are 92db efficiency and would like at least 15 watts for each amp. I've been out of the amp loop for a while and would like to hear you top picks. I'm not a huge detail kind of guy, however, I do thrive on solid, tight bass and smooth mids. My music preferences are vocals, instrumental and rock (all vinyl).

Thanks for your recommendations.
Check out the Tri M300se. This is a monoblocks from triode Corporation of Japan. Beautiful looking and at 20 Watts per mono. Retail for $4000. Here is the link.

Twinaudiovideo, are these paralleled 300Bs? Do you know anything more about them. As you say, they look good and are cheap.
Tbg, yes it is paralleled 300B. It is beautiful piece and very excellent sounding amp. At last the wives... will like it.