Biggest Baddest Audio Cables

Whether they actually sound better or not, I don't really care but I have a fetish for beautifully made, anaconda sized audio cables, especially with unusually well made connectors. Any ideas here especially where 2nd hand is a deep discount would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
btw, the GoldLine and the newer Coherence GoldLine come in acrylic bars instead of aluminium as seen on Fadel's website. Wouldn't you wish the amp's and speakers' binding posts were on the front of the gear if you had a few runs of those to brag with ;^)
Take a look at the pics here.
As the author of this thread from the year 2000,

I respectfully suggest that the so called "speaker connectors" mentioned above should not be included in a peer group of "BIGGEST BADDEST AUDIO CABLES."

Rather, they might be recategorized in another thread devoted to "WAF Disasters" or "Weirdest Tweaks".

Let's get back to BIG and BAD.


I was looking back at horsestoharleys posts and I understand what he is saying...the network boxes can do more for the audio signal than any ultra grade wire can.
might chime in to continue on horsetoharley's thoughts on surface area: best cables i ever heard were prana natarajas (i almost bought the cosmos, but i couldnt' afford them). the prana, a silver-foil design, bested IMO the transparent reference MM (older model), jorma #1, isoclean super focus, and everything i owned / demo'd prior to it (fair disclosure, some friends preferred the jorma, which are awesome as well).

maybe the surface area is a big thing? i will concede the networks certainly are...