what is the best amp for B&W 802N

Hi. I just bought B&W 802N. And I'm using MF-A3.2cr. Should I get a more powerfull MF or Krell. I can list my amp for sale and get more power. Looking for used one, and want to spend $2k on 2ch amp.
My friend uses a pair of ML 333 to drive his N801 (bi-amp), and it is the best sounding system I have ever heard approaching life music able to play real loud without strain like with single 333 amp. With this said, you can throw as much "good" power as you can to your 802N, the sound will just get better. I would recommend you to save enough money to get ML, Krell or other high power tube amp to maximize the sound of 802N.
I have the 802's and have gone from a Conrad Johnson Sonograph to a CJ 2500 and now use a Mcintosh 352 and the speakers have come alive. Power rules with these speakers and the Big Mac sound is a terrific match.
Mcintosh MC501. Best match with my B&W 802N. I went from Classe CAM350 MB to Cary Audio V12 MB. Happy and very much satisfied with MC501.
Parasound HCA-3500 is like an older version of the JC-1's. It drives my 802N's really well. Pay attention to the preamp, as well. I got an Audio Research LS16 MkII, and wow... Don't mess with solid state preamps....these babies want to breathe.