Audio Horizons TP 2.0 Preamplifier

Anyone famaliar with the manufacturer,and in particular
this pre amp.The credentials and testimonials seem
impressive.The advertised 10 day audition is appealing.
I think at one time you owned a Supratek Syrah. How would you compare the sound of this preamp to the Syrah? Bob
Well, I have over 300 hours on the Audio Horizons preamp, so it is time for a mini review. I hope it helps folks considering the preamp. I welcome comments and questions. My musical taste favors classical, pop, and rock. I play piano, sing and listen to live music often. The most important aspect of sound in descending order for me would be: natural and non-fatiguing, excellent portrayal of timber, detail, ability to convey instrument and hall decay, accuracy, fast dynamics, bass fullness and slam, and stage width. Less important for me is stage depth and height. The worst thing a system could do is to be strident, harsh, cold, thin, or muddy.

My version of the preamp has the capacitor upgrade and the gold Siemens tubes with only the output transformers upgraded, so I guess you would call it a TP 2.0n1/2B. The unit is attractive to me and wife with nice wood knobs, blue LED, black faceplate,and a solid look and feel. Inside is very clean and carefully laid out. My electrical engineer brother was impressed with the layout. For purposes of this review I mainly used Franz Liszt Transcendental Etudes, Kissen on RCA CD because this piano work is challenging in dynamics, frequency range, transient attack and decay, and compression due to complexity of signal. I also have a grand piano in the same room as a reference, though I can not play to Kissen’s level! My equipment is perhaps not as resolving as some of the folks owning this amp but this review may be useful for those who have a decent if not ultimate system.

The main thing I notice with this preamp in the system is increased changability much like live music, rather than a “here we are listening to the stereo again” feeling. For example the contrast between low and high volume that is so dramatic that the volume changes surprise me on well-known pieces. The preamp easily conveys music by turns thrilling, poignant, tender, energetic – whatever is called for with a greater difference in these different “tones” than I ever heard on a system, and moves instantly and effortlessly between them. Also there is more noticeable difference between different pianos, violins, and artist styles etc, not only in timber but also in overall gestalt, so that all instruments and artists have their own personality.

Added to the delight of contrast are many other wonderful attributes. The unit possesses tight, controlled, dynamic, and accurate bass, a wonderfully open, natural and slightly warm midrange, and extended, airy, easy highs. There appears to be zero compression even at high volume with complex music. The main feeling to the sound is sparkling, full-bodied, nimble, beautiful, and non-fatiguing. There is a sweetness and naturalness that is heart opening, much like live music. Sound emerges from a very black background, ultraclear and resolving, but with no trace of stridency, harshness, or grunge. It maintains a good bit of the excitement and delight even at low volumes. Soundstage width, depth and localization are all excellent. As mentioned in other posts, now almost all of my CD collection is listenable at higher volumes without fatigue. Vocals, rock, and New Age are all conveyed well. Male vocals are particularly right. Dense choral works and brass ensembles both are much more interesting and enjoyable to listen to. Hall ambience is conveyed very naturally. I can easily see why some have traded in well-respected and much more expensive preamps in for this baby. They were not just after something new. I would very willing to say that in my system this pramp lacks "X" but I truly at this time can not find anything. It has helped me take a giant step toward fulfilment. Next to speakers it is probably the biggest improvement I have experienced in my system.

Finally I have truly pestered Joseph the designer and Victor his representative obsessively before and after the sale. I would guess there had been nearly 100 emails and repeated phone calls. Victor has taken much time teaching me about tube selection and buying. They have always remained responsive, clear and helpful. I rapidly felt that they were friends who were truly interested in my satisfaction and shared my perfectionistic passion for music, not equipment.

Associated equipment: Aragon 8008BB 200Watt per channel dual mono SS amp, NorthStar 192 DAC and CD Transport, Guerrilla Silver IC and woofer cable, copper to the mid/tweeter biwired, Audio Horizons XRL preamp to amp.
Gammajo, wonderful review. Your words are well chosen and I am enjoying the very same experience with this preamp. Nice job.

I could not agree more with your comment that I love this preamp not because it is different, but because it does not sound like a stereo. It does sound more like a live performance.

Best preamp I have ever auditioned or owned in my systems over the years.

No reason not to try one as AH offers a trial period that is no risk. If a preamp exsists that sounds better at even triple the cost, I have not heard it.

Baranyi, I have owned the Cortese and Syrah preamps from Supratek and both are very good. I did not use the phono sections however. As a line stage the AH preamp is superior to my ears to both these units. It is more dynamic,much more quiet, more powerful bass, more neutral, equal in rendering of natural tone. The AH far exceeds the Supratek units in terms of clarity, intimacy and imaging. It sounds more live and engaging!

If you don't need phono, the AH unit is the easy choice. Joseph is also here in the USA with a 3 year warranty.


The TP 2.0 preamp with my recent VAC 220 monos is a heavenly listening experience,
very musically correct and satisfying.

I'm calling off work for a couple days !
Excellent review Joe,you correctly espoused what many of us feel.Now if we can only get Joseph to build an amp....