Audio Horizons TP 2.0 Preamplifier

Anyone famaliar with the manufacturer,and in particular
this pre amp.The credentials and testimonials seem
impressive.The advertised 10 day audition is appealing.

Thanks for the info. Does anyone find the Siemens upgrade offered by AH good enough? Preamp sounds like its great without having to spend extra for esoteric tubes, right?
Grannyring, here's who I bought mine from:
LA45 I found the Siemans they sent with the preamp to be wonderful, and in fact the stock EH tubes are quite good too. The unit is just so awesome that I wanted to try the NOS tubes suggested just to see if even more performance is possible. I will be trying my NOS and will report the comparision in about a week. Sherod and others may already be able to answer your question in more detail but the preamp definitely sounds great without the NOS treasure hunt. If I played it even with the stock EH it was a dramatic improvement over any other preamp I had heard.
I agree with Gammajo. The stock tubes in the preamp are very good and provide wonderful musicality. The upgraded tubes do make an improvement, but depending on the resolution of the rest of your system, the difference isn't huge. For me, the early 60's Siemens grey plate CCa tubes just fine-tuned the overall sound to give me the ultimate tone and timber of instruments. The preamp is so transparent that cable and power cord additions can clearly be heard. I recommend that you start out with the stock tubes, or Joseph's upgraded Siemens, then live with and enjoy the sound for a while. Experiment with tweaking the cables, power cords, and room acoustics until you've extracted the best sound possible. Then find a hopefully good deal on the early Siemens CCa( preferably in tube locations 1 and 3) and you'll hear the magic of Joseph's preamp more clearly. Enjoy the journey and happy listening.