Audio Horizons TP 2.0 Preamplifier

Anyone famaliar with the manufacturer,and in particular
this pre amp.The credentials and testimonials seem
impressive.The advertised 10 day audition is appealing.
Well, my AH has returned from the preamp spa and it is so great to be enjoying it again. All the detail is there that I have had with my ss these weeks, plus the musicality is back.

Joseph floated the board as Rx8man has suggested we do, and Joseph was able to measure a 3-5 dB lowering of the already quiet noise floor with this tweek. What I hear is nothing - dead silence, except the faintest tube rush with my ear pressed directly on the tweeter. I am running my Amperex PQ's while waiting for a quad of early sixties Telefunken E88cc's I've ordered, and searching for some awesome Siemens cca's.
I hope everyone has been enbjoying the music through thier AH preamps while I have been without mine. Anyone going for the phono stage? If so, are you getting the internal or external one?
Thanks Joe !

I'm gratified for the folks who accepted my floating board experiment and the sucess story.

Now for the acrylic lid ..................... !!
Congratulations, Rx8man, on the "floating board" tweak. Now why didn't I think of that?
Hello Folks! I just wanted to thank everyone here who have
posted their positive reviews and comments on the AH TP2.0
I stumble upon this tread several weeks ago and read all the
posts and became very curious. I guess this makes me the newest TP2.0 member. I picked up my preamp at Joseph's
house on 4/7 my unit is the TP2.0nB with the upgraded siemens 6922 on the number 1 and 3 (2 and 4 stock tube). I
was not able to listen to the preamp until around 9:30ish
that night, right out of the box this thing sounded good. I
had this big fat grin on my face knowing that I had stumble
upon something special. I was tempted to call Joseph that
night around 11:30ish to let him know how much I was enjoying his preamp but I did not call fearing I might wake
up his family. On the third day I called Joseph to inform
him to cash my check! It was too obvious not to pass on this
great preamp. As far the sound I am currently experiencing it has been said and noted before and I truly have to agree
with everyone's posts so therefore I won't need to say what
has been said before except this baby is mine and it's special.

my humble system consists of:

resolution audio cd55
ah tp2.0nB (replaced the krell krc3)
dynaudio c1
krell fpb200
rega p3 with aurum beta-s cart.
musical surrounding phonomena phono preamp
cables are tara labs: xlr decade and air 1 speaker cables

I am currently auditioning the Transparency interconnect
so far it is winning me over.

Thank You Victor and Joseph you guys are
awesome and true gentlemen..

Congratulations Jojo. Welcome to the club. Here's hoping that you have many enjoyable hours of musical bliss with your new preamp.