Audio Horizons TP 2.0 Preamplifier

Anyone famaliar with the manufacturer,and in particular
this pre amp.The credentials and testimonials seem
impressive.The advertised 10 day audition is appealing.
Clio09. I believe it's the 6H23P. There are a couple other russian 6922's but the 6H23P is the highest military grade. I just ordered a cyro'd matched pair of this tube from He claims they're much improved with the cryo treatment.
I also just received a matched quad of NOS 6H30P-DR's. I don't know alot about tubes but I just happened to research these two tubes this past week.
Thanks for the cca reference. I inquired and he wants $1,250 USD for a quad matched within 5%. Mark, keep us posted on your Russian tubes.
I have now compared two seperate sets of early cca Siemens, to Telefunkens, early Siemens E88cc, and Amperex PQ white labels and feel strongly that the cca's were significantly better than the rest with finer inner detail, ability to distinguish timber, control, finese, and a more holgraphich sound stage with better air around instruments. The other three types were all much better than the stock EH and had some nice points as well with the early Telefunkens coming in second in my preference.

I have seen them listed both ways. Evidently this has something to do with the Russian alphabet where the letter H is represented in the English alphabet as an N. Great tubes for the price nonetheless.
Joe, $1,250 for a matched quad is outrageous. I would be hesitant to maybe pay half that price. Law of supply and demand at work here. Apparently some people with deep pockets are willing to pay this price. Thankfully I was able to get a pair for much less.
Clio09. That's interesting as well as confusing. In Markwatkiss's post above in referance to the 6H30P he says the mark after the 0 looks like an upside down u. My 6H30P-DR's have the same mark where the P should be. Looks similar to a lower case n to me. On the 6H23P-EB that I'm now holding in my hand, in place of the P is also this same mark. This is an origional equipment 6922 out of my Lamm 1.2 Ref. monos. So I'm just assuming that this mark is the letter P in Russian. I'm finding that the more I look into tubes the more that I need to learn.