Audio Horizons TP 2.0 Preamplifier

Anyone famaliar with the manufacturer,and in particular
this pre amp.The credentials and testimonials seem
impressive.The advertised 10 day audition is appealing.
Pat, what cables is Lou comparing? Sorry for the use of first names, but this username crap becomes so impersonal for me when communicating sometimes. Ain't that right Rx8man and La45 ?
Hey TP owners, I have about $400. burning my pockets, and I'm interested in upgrading my stock EH tubes. I have no first hand knowledge or experience with tube rolling. I have read to replace 1&3 being most critical even unsure what 1&3 are, assuming looking from left to right. Looking for any, and all recommendations for future upgrading, needless to say still very pleased with the purchase of my TP 2.0n output XLR upgrade only. Here is my gear list.
AMP- McCormack DNA-500
DVD/CD- McCormack UDP-1
Turntable- VPI Scoutmaster / Ring/clamp/ISO Plat/SDS.
Phono Stage- MusicalSurroundings
Speakers- Dynaudio C1
Cabling- Cardas/Synergistic Research
Myrtlewood under TP&CD player
NO Acoustic treatment in room ???
Hey Ralph. Locations 1 and 3 are as you are looking on top of the unit from the face counting the four tubes from left to right. E-mail Victor for a detailed explanation of why these locations are of more importance in the preamp sonics. Tubes are system dependent, but I have yet to hear any tube better than the vintage early 60's Siemens Cca in those locations that can sound any better.

Hi Sherod,

This should be very interesting. I will be comparing the KCI The Pur Au79 Gold and the Gabriele Revelation Gold Interconnects.

If you are interested I will email you privately about my impressions. Thanks Pat.
Hi Lou,
Yes, I would very much like to hear your impressions of the interconnects.