Audio Horizons TP 2.0 Preamplifier

Anyone famaliar with the manufacturer,and in particular
this pre amp.The credentials and testimonials seem
impressive.The advertised 10 day audition is appealing.
I think that you should submit Joseph's best for review. For those who can't afford it, they can get the "lesser" model and upgrade later. I also feel that both the linestage and phono should be submitted, either as separate or integrated. The idea is to get an idea for the reader of the review to make up his mind based on the sonic merits of each. As to the magnetic or moving coil option, that would depend on the reviewers preference. He might only have a magnetic cartridge( hopefully not) to use for evaluating the phono stage. It would be nice to read a review of both options. Anyway, my two cents, but I might change my mind later. Congratulations on the review Joseph and Victor. I have high hopes for an honest and thorough review from both a subjective as well as an objective approach.
By the way, fellow TP 2.0 owners. I just put one of these tweak PE units in my system and it has been the best tweak I have ever tried. I look at it now as not so much a tweak but more as a component. The best $75.00 I've ever spent for my system enjoyment.
I have been using the PEs (5 of them) in my home for the past 2 months. I have 3 on my AV circuit and a couple more on other circuits in my home. What Sherod reports is right on the mark. I now have a PE-4 on order as well as one of Alan's power cords. Each of my friends who have tried this tweak have reported similar results.
I 100% agree with Sherod and you should submit Joseph's best version of the preamp. As I have learned in sales we should always lead with the best product first. Folks need to know what Joseph is capable of - his best work.

I would submit the phono unit separate and also submit the best here. The reviewer can simply state you offer the option of adding this same phono stage right into the TP2.1.

Ok, the last question in my mind is the tubes to use. Here I think you should go with non - NOS's. NOS's are more of an expensive tweek that not all TP2.1 owners will want to deal with. Go with the standard tubes and with Joseph's best electronics and parts!

I would be inclined to go with your best and with the phono unit separate with clear indications of lowest price unit and ease of upgrade.
But it is a very tough question becuase if the lowest unit recieves high praises at that attractive price point, you would generate much interest(sales)with many deciding "what the heck" and upgrading right away anyway. I would provide the reviewer with a set of stock tubes as well as a set of great cca's, checking specific unit and its tubes for very carefully for microphonics before sending.