I 100% agree with Sherod and you should submit Joseph's best version of the preamp. As I have learned in sales we should always lead with the best product first. Folks need to know what Joseph is capable of - his best work.
I would submit the phono unit separate and also submit the best here. The reviewer can simply state you offer the option of adding this same phono stage right into the TP2.1.
Ok, the last question in my mind is the tubes to use. Here I think you should go with non - NOS's. NOS's are more of an expensive tweek that not all TP2.1 owners will want to deal with. Go with the standard tubes and with Joseph's best electronics and parts!
I would submit the phono unit separate and also submit the best here. The reviewer can simply state you offer the option of adding this same phono stage right into the TP2.1.
Ok, the last question in my mind is the tubes to use. Here I think you should go with non - NOS's. NOS's are more of an expensive tweek that not all TP2.1 owners will want to deal with. Go with the standard tubes and with Joseph's best electronics and parts!