Recommendations on a passive preamp

I'm currently considering:

Creek OBH-22
FT Audio LW1S2

I only need 3 inputs, but 2 outputs are important as I bi-amp my Innersound ISIS with Sonic Frontiers Power 2 and an ADCOM GFA 5800
I have had many passive preamps but none of the ones you are considering.

The best for me have been First Sound Passive and Axiom.

Hope this helps

I have been very pleased with my Reference Line 1a passive. The desire for remote control overcame the hesitation at the price. A very well built unit.

I have seen non-remote Reference Line passive go for as little as $400.
If you can find a Mod Squad Line Drive deluxe on the 'gon it would be worth considering also....
I have the Adcom 750 and I like it. It is a Nelson Pass MOSFET design and is a Stereophile Class A rated pre. Since you have an Adcom already you might get a little since of Synergy using them together. I've seen them here and on Ebay going for 750 used. I don't know how many outs it has though and it does not have a phono stage either. It can be switched to passive mode by flipping a toggle switch. Read the reviews on this piece of equipment.