the only plus going direct is the money savings that could go elsewhere in your system. A good pre that fits your taste is allways going to be more fun to listen to than a passive-allways(keeping the rest of the system the same). its the tradeoff of having something else in your system that is going to be better and the feelings of knowing that in your brain- ie. 7 thousand dollar better speakers for example that you will need to decide which you want more. to do a fair comparison you must keep the total dollar vallue of your system the same. Otherwise price becomes a deciding issue which is why so many people think they prefer passive in the first place. They drop a passive into their system and change nothing else- boy that sounds great! But any comparison that changes the total cost of your system is not a fair comparison at all.
DAC to Amps bypassing preamp: Opinions please
I am wondering what experiences folks have had with running the output of the DAC (with volume control) right to the amps bypassing the preamp. I am currently running a Muse 296 DAC into a BAT VK-5i, but that is my only input into the preamp, so don't need preamp switching. I was thinking of going to a DAC like the Camelot Usher that has a volume control (also need balanced inputs/outputs) and removing the preamp from the chain. The amps being used are Wright Sound Mono 10's feeding Zu Tone monitors. Any thoughts? What about compatability issues with going from DAC right to preamp. Is there enough level from the DAC to attain full output from the amps?
Thanks in advance
- Stew
Thanks in advance
- Stew
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- 15 posts total
- 15 posts total