Recommend relatively obscure high end tube preamps

Just wondering whether people can offer advice on high end preamps worth auditioning. I am looking for those who have experience with more esoteric and expensive equipment (MSRP >5000). I've owned Wavac (never should have sold it) and now own the Aesthetix Callisto Signature. I've owned BAT, CJ, ARC so I'm not looking for answers on things you can readily find.

One that comes to mind is the Brinkmann Marconi. Any opinions?

What else is out there?

~ William
Wyetech Opal. A Harry Pearson (TAS) favorite and the most bandwith, naturalness and realism of any pre I have heard in 35 years of this mania. Almost never found used, only 2 sellers in US, but well worth seeking out. Also built to last forever.

Another vote for the New Audio Frontiers "Absolute" preamplifier. As a note, our company is the US distributor of NAF and with extensive experience with the Wavac products....the NAF "Absolute" is very special and thankfully a very honorable company!!!!

Reviews and info on our website ( for those inquisitive minds. btw, their "845" SET amps are nothing short of stunning - all relatively affordable for ultra high performance products, too.
I think I would also throw in a vote for Viva. Their pre-amps and amps really deliver a truly lush life-like sound. It's like the singers are standing in the room with you -haunting, really.

And they also fit your other criteria..... esoteric, obscure, hard to find, 'Spensive, sexy good looks, great finish, exotic, jaw dropping, "what the hell is that?" etc.