Ok....Audiogoners: need some tube amp ideas

Any suggestion/comment is appreciated. Just off the top of my head, below is a list of initial parameters.

- budget: $4k ish (somewhat flexible)
- tubes/valves amp(s)
- preowned or new
- mono or stereo configuration
- min wattage: 70 and higher (this rating would afford me more speaker options down the road e.g. 4/8 ohm and >88db efficiency)
- brand(s): leaning toward more esoteric manufacturers or models (e.g. Dodd 120, VAC PHI, Audio Valves); would prefer staying away from manufactueres that do magazine advertisement.

Current thought: I might push the budget a bit to consider a pair of preowned Lamm ML1.

Thanks much. (currently listening to Rachmaninoff Piano Concerto No.2 by NY Philharmonic/Berstein)

Ok I'm going to chip in here with regard to the Berning and say it is one of the finest amps for the money, size and heartache that you will ever hear. I've had the atma's in my system the M60 and S30 and have heard the MA1 extensively on many speakers..big JM labs,Revel,Audio Physic, Trangle and many more.. When I speak of heartache I mean fiddling with biasing, heat!, weight, paranoia of wondering if every tube is working or is biased correctly and on the atma's this is a reality. The atma's are fine amps but they take up alot of room, are heavy, awkward chassis and can be expensive.

I think the Berning is quite a value. There were some other choices mentioned that were all viable and very good..I think you'll spend quite a bit more money, if that matters, on some of the other choices that may not get you any closer than the Berning ...and no, mine's not for sale...Good Luck
Adding to the last two posts, the Berning ZH270 is an excellent choice. Furthermore, when you hear the ZH270 in your system with your speakers you might decide to keep them. The ZH270 delivers DEEP and well controlled Bass. This amp's lower -3 dB point is at 1.5 Hz and runs the tubes very conservatively.

Good luck in your selection.
I have no idea about the VAC PHi amps, but I can tell you that the VAC Ren Mk2 pre is magnificent with the Merlins.
Kyyuan, I recently heard the Quicksilver V4's mated with Cary electronics and a Vandy Quattro speaker. The Quickies seem to have the dynamics, sweetness, space, 3D etc. Liked them very much.
Swampwalker, can you provide the models of Atma, Joule, and Berning in discussion? I am trying to understand the price:performance ratio. Lots of people compare VZN and MA, but VZN series I believe are more $/watt. I have access to Joule VZN 100 and MA-1Mkii and Audio Valve Challenger 115. The OTL has its signatory floating sound, but the Audio Valve PP design also has its magic i.e. the most realistic bass (growl) and drums (tight kick and snare). If Audio Valve has designed their amps with the feedback control knob, I'd be set! How about Audio Valve PP for bass and drums, and OTL for vocals, strings, keys, woodwinds, all upper freq range.