What pre to use with Vons and Bryston 2B-SST?

I own a pair of Von Schweikert VR2's with a Bryston 2B-sst driving them. I am auditioning a PS Audio PCA-2 for the preamp and am happy with what im hearing but would like a little "warmer" sound. I dont want to spend more than $2000 on the pre new or used. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks
A used Rogue Audio 66 or 99 preamp (Magnum versions) are a very good match with Vons and Bryston. I ran them for a while and thought they sounded great!
You might want to consider a used Audio Research pre-amp. They are well built and sound great. That should warm things up.
here's two.
Jolita or a BAT vk5, or even vk5i. I've the BAT and for the money I really enjoy it and use a solid state amp too. Warm & rich, just overall lots of fun. Spectacular with the proper tubes in it. A friend has a Jolita... he loves it... runs his with a Levinson amp... and I think he swapped out some tubes too in his pre. Maybe the Jolita might be best... less tubes than the BAT... less expensive too to buy up front, new or used. They ain't making the BAT vk5 series so used is the only way for it... but it's considered a collectors item by many so loss on the investment is not much of an issue. Have fun....
I love my ModWright 9.0, mine is a beta model but it is fabulous with my VR4jr's. Lot's of slam & sweet tube sound, highly recommended.
thank you all for the suggestions. My dealer sells BAT products so i might end up going that route. The Rogue stuff looks like fun as well. I should of stated that it must have a remote control option. What can i say im lazy.