What pre to use with Vons and Bryston 2B-SST?

I own a pair of Von Schweikert VR2's with a Bryston 2B-sst driving them. I am auditioning a PS Audio PCA-2 for the preamp and am happy with what im hearing but would like a little "warmer" sound. I dont want to spend more than $2000 on the pre new or used. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks
Good for you! I am a bit of a Bryston fan myself (especially the Amps and Processors) they're darned neutral with good resolution and great bass. Oh yeah, and power to spare!

I'm with Tvad, I bet the BAT and the Bryston have good synergy. Keep grinning!
I feel the BAT and the Bryston have incredible synergy, the Bryston really came in to its own with that pre. I couldnt be happier...period.
a buddy has a VR2 and he paired them with the 3bsst and the 3bst. They sounded "average"-- clean sound, good power but its a bit on the dry side & lacked that involvement "factor" . He was using a conrad pv10 tube pre. Inspite of that, sounded dry.

The mccormack dna 05 sounded better with the VR2. Its sweeter but i feel that these VR2 w/ the mccormack could be wanting more power which the dna 05 i felt was somewhat lacking.The sound was a bit lacking in body.

He is still on the search.......
Well i cant comment on either of those pres but when i was using the PS Audio PCA2 pre the sound was like you described. Dry and uninvolving were words i used often to describe what i was hearing. Im totally in love with my BAT right now, it just fits my preferences so well. my bass response is definelty lacking the punch of the solid state pre but its worth the tradeoff for the rest of the spectrum. Maybe a BAT will work for him?
I didn't get to read your later replies. Didn't realize you had chosen already.

My congratulations on the BAT. I recommend you get the BAT power amp to match your pre with. My partner has an all BAT system with his Von Schweikerts and they sound awesome.

No, I'm not bashing Bryston. My Bryston was the longest tenured power amp I ever owned. Dry and clinical? A little. But at one point that was how I liked my music. That's why later I got an ARC pre to warm it up a bit. The synergy worked very well.

Regards and happy listening.