I went from Goldmund Dialogues powered by Jeff Rowland 201 monoblocks and his Concerto preamp to a pair of Zu Druids and an Onix SP-3 integrated tube amp. I received nearly $10K for what I sold and spent $3500 on what I bought. In the process I upgraded my system by an order of magnitude.
In reading the posts on here I notice that some of the products I mentioned are greatly misunderstood. The Onix integrated puts out a very ballsy 38 watts per channel and the Zu speakers are rated at 101 db efficiency. I tried an Antique Sound Lab Orchid SET integrated that uses 2a3 tubes and puts out 3.2 watts per channel. It sounded absolutely beautiful but didn't have enough punch to replace the Onix. I also tried a Red Wine Audio Clari-T amp which is a 6 watt per channel battery powered amp and it did pretty well sounding surprisingly much like the SET but still a bit meager in the boogie department. I concluded from these experimentations that if you want your Druids to rock, you need about thirty strong watts. And boy do they ever rock with that Onix behind them. I had never experienced that sort of bottom end from a tube amp before. I hope this is the sort of answer you were seeking.
In reading the posts on here I notice that some of the products I mentioned are greatly misunderstood. The Onix integrated puts out a very ballsy 38 watts per channel and the Zu speakers are rated at 101 db efficiency. I tried an Antique Sound Lab Orchid SET integrated that uses 2a3 tubes and puts out 3.2 watts per channel. It sounded absolutely beautiful but didn't have enough punch to replace the Onix. I also tried a Red Wine Audio Clari-T amp which is a 6 watt per channel battery powered amp and it did pretty well sounding surprisingly much like the SET but still a bit meager in the boogie department. I concluded from these experimentations that if you want your Druids to rock, you need about thirty strong watts. And boy do they ever rock with that Onix behind them. I had never experienced that sort of bottom end from a tube amp before. I hope this is the sort of answer you were seeking.