solidstate system to single ended...should I?

I have no experience with low powered high end tube amps. Right now I am using a Karan Ka-i180 integrated amp and Merlin VSM-M speakers. The system sounds great, but I have the bug to try something completely differant. My system before the Karan was a Melos MAT-180 amp and Melos Maestro preamp. I like the Karan better. I tried, in the past, Conrad Johnson PV-10 preamp and GAS Ampzilla and enjoyed that warm sound. I realize that my speakers do not have the efficiency for low powered amps so they will need to be changed too.

My question is can anyone that went the same route (from solidstate to low powered amps) make some recomendations? I am considering the Dared preamp and maybe their amps and for speakers, I have no idea. My price is based on what I can get for my speakers and amp. I assume about $2500.00 for the speakers and $2000.00 for the amp/preamp.

I listen only to CD through an Eastsound CD-E5 player.
It is hard to chance an upgrade Jaybo, knowing that my speakers and amp are very good, but I am looking at what Macrojack is talking about. He was were I am. Thanks for the info.
If you have the chance, I would strongly recommend listening to some SET/hi-efficiency setups with YOUR music before selling off your equipment to make the leap. Someone who listens primarily to Norah Jones at low volume levels will not necessarily have the same recommendation as another who wants to make sure that Rush doesn't fall apart when the volume goes up.

We have owned a 4W SET, a 6W SET, and a 200W SS amp at the same time. Everything is a trade-off, you have to audition in order to be clear about what it is you are willing/not willing to give up. The choice between the two is also dependent upon whether you are generally sitting in the sweet spot, actively listening (meter tipping toward SET), or often find yourself in other rooms, with a desire to have the system pressurize the entire house with music (needle swings back towards SS).

Proceed cautiously, information in hand. Or in ear, as it were. If you do opt for the SET system, I would recommend modding/upgrading a vintage Klipsch or Altec speaker, which you can get for $1200 or less, will sound killer with SET amps, and will leave you more money for the best preamp you can buy. Just my two pennies.

Good luck in your hunt.
I had Solid State,an old Sansui integrated beast(very nice though)from the 70's.I now own the Wright WPA 3.5's and am using a Eastern Elecric Minimax preamp with that.Used you should be under $2000.Brand spanking new you will be about at $2500.Read some reviews of both of these products and i don't think you will be to dissapointed in having at least auditioned them.You can audition the Minimax for 30 days with full money back FYI.Speakers are another matter.I happened to own very efficient horn speakers and ya know they were not very expensive and sound terrific.They are the Bag End TA15 cabinet in birch.I believe they are discontinued but are now made as a trapezoid speaker.They are large but there is also the lil brother with the 12" woofer and horn that i also own in birch.Very nice speakers but not as open as the larger speaker with the larger horn.Both are around 103-101 db efficiency and are driven WELL(all styles)for my tastes with only 4 watts with this preamp.The speakers do not have great wife appeal but they sure sound fine to me.All within your budget i believe.Oh but what about CABLES!! hah ; )
Good luck and let us know how your journey turns out!
I am going to find a local dealer and take a listen. I appriciate all of the comments. I will keep you posted.