Pass Labs x350.5 & Classe ca-m400 class a power?

Hi, I was just wondering how much class a power the x350.5 and ca-m400 has? Thank you.
Thanks everyone. Honestly, I am undecided between the Classe and Pass. Those of you who recommend the Pass, can you please let me know why you think it is better than the Classe? Who has been able to directly compare Pass and Classe?
By the way, I am considering the X1 + x350.5 or the CP-700 + CA-M400. Any thoughts in these pairings?
Tboooe, of the pairs you've suggested I can only say that I own the X1, and have heard the x350.5 (but that was not in my system). The X1 is an awesomely quiet, very neutral preamp. Nicely extended in both directions, with a very nice midrange. It is one of the best preamps I've ever heard. There is another thread where it was remarked that - in comparison to a great tube preamp - the X1 mids are thin and bare. Frankly I can't agree. I'm not sure how much system dependency the X1 has in placement with other components, but in my system (driving a Van Alstine FetValve amp) I get a satisfactory midrange indeed. Tonal colorations, a real organic presence.

My recollection of the x350.5 is that it is also a fine sounding piece of gear. It was being driven by the X2.5 and I thought the pairing sounded very musical. Maybe just on the shady side of neutral. I can't remember what source was being used, though.

My only complaint with the X1 is that the gradation between the volume click stop positions is too large (about 1.25 dB).

As I know, Pure Class A amps draw four-time their rated power from AC line constantly, while Aleph three-time.
Aleph got my vote too !
Cdma, my recollection is that pure class A amps pull twice rated power, but I'll look it up. In any event, as true single ended amps the Alephs (except the 1.0, which has an auxilliary pull stage) cannot leave class A and remain linear.

They do sound great.