Celebrer makes an observation that I fully agree with. I have written many times on A'gon the phenomenol performance and value of the VT130 vs. virtually all other tube amps that I have heard and owned. This was a sleeper product if there ever was one. And its magazine review/rating meant so little as just about everything these days gets such high praise anyway. This amp, especially with KT88 tubes, conveys harmonic richness and bloom like no other amp that I have heard in this price range.
I regretted selling the VT130 and only did so in persuit of more driveability for Magnepan 3.x speakers. The ARC Classic series amps were so very analytical, uninvolving and downright fatiguing. Following the VT130/VT150 series, the VT100/200 amps were a little more neutral and more extended at the extremes, but these later amps did not have the magic. Amazingly enough, my favorite ARC line stage, the LS5, was of the same time as the VT130/VT150. These with the PH2 phono stage made a most musical system.
I have not heard the very latest ARC products, but I suspect the VT130/VT150 would hold their own to the newer amps and perhaps outperform the newer products in some key areas such as the ones you identify. If you like the VT130, the prize out there really is the VT150 pair. But you can buy a pair of VT130 amps on the used market for much less than the VT150 pair. This would be awesome for a higher efficiency speaker that would benefit from biamping.