Audio Refinement Complete owners: please advise

I would like to hear from other ARC owners RE: what speakers they are driving w/ this amp. I have received very conflicting suggestions and am not sure how to proceed. Can ARC handle large floor-standers such as Paradigm Ref. Studio 100V2, or am I confined to monitors with thsi integrated? My room is 17x28 w/ 15 ft. ceilings. I listen to acoustic Jazz, 60's/70/s rock, singer- songwriters (Hiatt, Thompson, Prine, etc.), some folk and country. Like some volume but not ear-bleed levels. I'd appreciate any suggestions. Thanks!
IMO, you need French speakers if you want floorstanders with that amp. I would highly recommend Triangle speakers. I don't think the AR Comp would be able to handle 100v2s effectively (I used to own a pair). Arthur
Thanks, ABall. Can you be more specific re: why you believe the Triangles would be particularly well suited to the ARC? I've read some good reviews but the reviews have also stated the speakers can be very fussy re: room placement, and I have very little flexibility in that dept. Any other speakers you can think of that might work well? What characteristics affect driveability other than an 8ohm rating?
Thought the Complete is rated at only 50W it is beefy with a steep slope to the volume pot.
I use one on 6 ohm 86db efficient floorstanding speakers. At very high volume levels it starts to compress the music a little but sounds wonderful at normal volume levels.
The physical size of a speaker will not dictate teh type of amplifier you can use. The efficiency, however, can limit the choice of amplifier. An 86db efficient speaker should not logicaly work all that well with a 50W amplifier. In this case it does though.
Room size, seating distance from speakers, and location of speakers within a room are also big factors.

The Complete sounds very good with a number of speakers. Audition, audition, audition.

Good luck!
Bignerd100, could you please provide names/models of speakers that you think sound very good with ARC? I don't have many stores in my area.