Which amp matches best my JM Lab Mezzo Utopia ?

I have clearly a predisposition to single ended and Class A design. Push pull does not apply. The speakers are a demanding load though. They go down to 3.8 ohms.
Hi Aleko,

I am not familiar with too many brands & amps.
I am using Dual Mono Block Tube Pre-Amp and Mon0-Block
Tube Power Amp ( P-P 300B ) and had them driving my
Mezzo Utopia for almost one year. Tube-rolling, ( of course only changing the 6SN7, 5U4 etc. not the WE 300B )
inter-connects/ power cables changing were all failure
to make it sound to satisfaction. So don't use Utopia
with 300B amps. (other tubes may be suitable more )

Because I like WE 300B so much, finally I had to change
to Parsifal from Utopia.
I remember wonderful combination of Mezzo with JRDG Concentra + MBL DAC + Helios Stargate as a cd drive. Don't remember name of the cables.
Has anyone tried the Mezzo with a single ended amp based on the 211 tube ?
Or with a parallel single ended amp based on 2 output tubes like the 211 or the 845 ?
Or the GM 70 tube ?
Any shared experience is welcome.

As a current SET owner my Audio Valve Challenger Class A tube mono amps sound much better than any SET I have owned and I have owned over 30 SET amplifiers. SET are just a wee bit better in the midrange and its slight but everywhere else the AV stomp on my SETs.
What amplifier have you compared to AV Challenger?
Do you use also Jm Lab speakers?