Tube pre- or amp: does it matter?


I'm considering introducing a tube component into my system (Cary 306/200, Placette pre, Macintosh 300, Gallo 3.1) to bring out a little more depth, staging and musicality. I'm willing to start from scratch with both the pre and amp. If I were to balance tube and ss, is there a rule of thumb about whether it's better to have a tube for pre or a tube for amp? All things being equal (which they seldom are) would one make a bigger difference in sound than the other? In my electronic ignorance, I'm wondering if there might be something about whether the tube is closer to your source or closer to your speakers. (Of course, I may end up with tube for both.)

Thanks for any help,
I just recently added a Audio Research SP16 to go with my Audio Research 150.2 amp and really like the results.
I started with a tube preamp as well. I then moved to a tube amp, but eventually went back to a solid state amp as a result of speaker efficiency.

Done right a solid state amp and tube preamp can sound very nice together. In addition to proper impedance matching, depending on the type of sound you desire, you'll need to find a tube preamp with the right sonic signature to match your amp. Some tube preamps are very musical (my Joule Electra for example) while some are much more transparent (the new Modwright comes to mind). There a lots of good choices out there so try to listen to a few in your system to get a good idea what matches up best with your amp.
I also suggest starting with a tubed preamp. I think that the preamp exerts the greatest influence on sound quality. Also they're cheap and fun to tube roll. Enjoy checking out different preamps, I own and love my Herron and also recommend Joule Electra, Supratek, Air Tight, First Sound and many others. Have fun and happy listening!
Why not try a tube integrated and see how you like the sound. There are plenty of choices new from Cayin and Primaluna to Cary, CJ, ARC, or VAC on the pre-owned market. I started with a tube integrated in a second system which prompted a switch to tube separates in my main system. You didn't list your music preference, but from my experience tubes would only be a disadvantage for techno electronic or heavy metal type rock.
The Arc LS25 was a great match with my MC300, great tight bass and better extension on the highs than using a Mac solid state preamp. The Arc wasnt too tubey, had AU24's all around and was quite happy.