Best power amp for under 1K

I just bought some Cello Legend speakers which broke my budget, so now I need some advice on which power amp to drive these things. I want to buy used (more value for the money) and keep it under $1000. Any recommendations?
Forte Model 4a, sweet little 50 wpc Class A biased amp that sounds more powerful than 50 wpc. Should be able to grab one for under $600.
For Tubes Onix SP3 should be able to get a NEW one with 3 year warranty for around 600.00.
Try some Monarchy SE100 monoblock amps. Fantastic sounding amps (but they do run hot). Also you might consider a McCormack DNA-1. (The DNA 0.5 is also available within your price range, and while I haven't heard the 0.5, it is a very well-respected amp.)
