Whatever Happened To SAE?

I remember in the seventies walking into a Cal Stereo store in the LA area and seeing the SAE equipment. I was a college student back then and owned a reciever. The SAE stuff with it's black metal and white graphics looked sooo imposing and impressive. Amp, preamp, tuner and EQ all in one stack....man, if I could ever own something like that one day! By the time I could afford decent equipment, SAE has been long gone.

Was their stuff any good?

What happened to them?

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RogerSound Labs was the mid-fi appendage to Upscale Audio.
One was next door to the other.
I bought a Sony ES 10-disk CD changer at RogerSound for $725 around 1987. I still have it and it works like new (had to change the laser about 6 years ago).
Roger Sound Labs had their own line of oak audio stands. Twenty five to thirty years ago I thought it was the coolest, classiest stuff I'd ever seen.

Remember Paris Audio in Torrance and West LA? I used to go in there all the time and stare at the stuff I couldn't afford. Perreaux MF2150, KEF 104.2s, and that Carver Cool Cube.
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Paris Audio was so intimidating to me that I only went in there once. I never went into Upscale Audio for the same reason....I had a copy of Upscale's catalog that I used to drooll all over though. At the time I owned a Sansui 771 receiver with generic speakers, Technics turntable and a Superscope cassette deck. The stuff in Paris Audio and Upscale Audio was light years out of my reach.

Rogersound Labs speakers had a lifetime warranty.