Whatever Happened To SAE?

I remember in the seventies walking into a Cal Stereo store in the LA area and seeing the SAE equipment. I was a college student back then and owned a reciever. The SAE stuff with it's black metal and white graphics looked sooo imposing and impressive. Amp, preamp, tuner and EQ all in one stack....man, if I could ever own something like that one day! By the time I could afford decent equipment, SAE has been long gone.

Was their stuff any good?

What happened to them?

Whatever happened to Christopher Hansen in Beverly Hills? He had a beautiful store on Olympic Blvd.
I remember sitting in the car waitting for dad at Leo' s stereo..I didnt understand what in the world would he take so long in the stereo shop..
Yes, and that big color organ in the Dimensions in Stereo back room. Mighty cool.
I had a SAE integrated (remember the "U" design, as well as their two parametrics eqs and finally the big 400 watts, ornage VU meter power amp.

I recall not-a-bad sounding gear from SAE, were well built and had a high re-sale factor.

It would be great to assamble a SAE rack for the office... hmmm.

I went from Phase Linier to all SAE?Ininity Quantum in high school.Still have the "digital" tuner.