Here's a "must have" for you female vocalists fans

My daughter brought home a CD by an artist named Norah Jones on Capitol Records called "Come away with me". This is a definite addition to your CD collection.This young attractive woman has a very seductive and sensual voice. The production is very well done,with close-miking on Norah's voice and piano.I think this lady will be much appreciated by the Diana Krall fans.I'm not comparing the two as each has her own unique style.I would like to hear what you all think about her.The title cut"Come away with me" is especially lovely.
Bonus...shes hot! BUt then again...when was the last time u saw an ugly chick in a video...Elton jon doesnt count...
In all fairness, one of my favorite rooms at CES was playing the Norah Jones CD while I was in the listening chair and I enjoyed quite a bit.
She's really good, but in danger of being overexposed. One of the quickest transitions to department store music I can remember (at least the department store was Marshall Fields). I agree with Phasecorrect -- let's see how her music develops. She does have originality, though, so she'll probably do big things.
Gunbei, I can see where you would feel that her voice is strange, because it is. She is definitely not in the "seductive" league of Diana Krall and the likes. What caught my attention was her words in some of her songs and her ability to uniquely change keys and follow the tune with her different voice fluctuations. There's a blues song where you'd swear she had some New Orleans soul in her. If her father is Ravi Shankar, isn't he the one who was so influential on the Beatle's music, especially George with his use of the Sitar ?