audio4ever, I own B&W Matrix 801 S3 loudspeakers, I had a long audition with the W-5 and the CA-2200 driving these speakers. At the same time I had the opportunity to have a CA-300 and CA-401 in my home. I also auditioned a Bryston 4B-SST during this time but removed it from the competition very quickly, it was far less musical than the others.
The order of preference I had for these amps is in the following order: CA-300, CA-2200, W-5, CA-401.
The CA-300 was really an enjoyable amp, very musical, almost sweet. The CA-2200, I would describe it as pure, nothing added, nothing removed...very, very fast. The W-5 had great bass control, leaned a bit toward that sweet sound, but could be a bit edgy on the top end. The CA-401 was truly a brute, tons of power, but a bit much for me.
In the end however I still prefer my Classe S-1000, warm, sweet, and when needed it will kick like few amps can.
As far as music, mostly classic rock, lots of Zeppelin. I do enjoy music by the Corr's, Chicago, Whitney etc, but generally I find myself back into Classic Rock after the first hour of listening or so.