"Fast sounding tube amp" with plenty of power? any?

I recently had a chance to audition an ASL 1008 monoblocks to run my Thiel 3.6s and I found the amp to be able to run the Thiels and the warmth of tubes is there but it just sounds too slow.When I switch back to my Krell FPB 200's the music seems to sound normal again. I know this is not the best that tube amps has to offer and the Thiel 3.6's are not the best speakers for tubes,so I need your recommendation. Speakers that's at least at par with the Thiels 3.6s speed and transparency and a matching tube amp with balls.
i have tube research stereo 100, mono 400s and 800s . andy has a pair of 200s. the designer builder etc, custom builds to order. good luck in getting a pair. he is a personal friend of mine, and would be glad to talk to you . thanks kirk.
Try a SS amp. Pass Labs with a tube preamp or the pass labs' x-1. I own a pair or 2.3's. With the x-1, you get 90% of the magic of tubes, with-out having to own tubes.
Saw this post while just browsing and wanted to see why no one had mentioned atma-sphere yet?? I was wrong- All you guys are absolutly on the ball with this one!! There is an auction currently open on this site for a new pair!!!
Check out the Audio Research 300 MKII's, very fast and very powerful! Good luck...........Vader