tube preamps

are these to good to be true. I have been thinking of adding an inexpensive (under 2K) tube preamp to my SS integrated amp. The very positive audiogon reviews on these lower priced models are everywhere. What am i missing....they seem to be a no brainer compared to models in the 5K range.
If you have never tried a good tube preamp with your ss amplifier you are in for a treat! One of the best bargains out there right now is the deHavilland Ultraverve tube preamp which can be found used for 1700-1900. I use mine with a Bryston ss amp. The sound is deep, smooth, detailed and, the best part, like real music. I will never go back to an ss preamp again.
That can be a no brainer in fact if properly matched to your amp. Especially if you are tired of the sound of a SS preamp and want something with a bit more body, meat on the bones if you will.
I miss my TAD 150 that I had paired with a Sim Audio SS amp (went back to home theater). I was surpirsed by the sparkle and openess of the top end, as well as the tight, well controlled bottom end. I thought that's what I'd sacrifice by going with tubes. I didn't get that euphonic colored sound most tube lovers rave about, but I did get some great sound. I'm not sure if it's the tubes that make the difference or the overall design and quality of the components, but probably both. I wouldn't worry about the whole tubes vs. SS debate and just find yourself a good preamp, that matches with your amp. I think that "tube sound" everyone talks about comes from the power amp, not the pre.