Are there any budget tubed preamps that stand out

I have a solid state mono block set with only digital source. I run Apogee speakers.
I have looked to Norh, Audio Mirror, and some others and need to be less than $700. Much less if possible.

How about a Bottlehead Foreplay kit or a Transendent Sound pre kit. There is a EAR 534L pre for sale now for 595. A used Quicksilver line stage, or ? I think these are all better than most new $700. chinese preamps. Lots of nice used preamps out there.
Dared SL2000a. You should be able to find one used for ~$300. The one limitation is 2 inputs line stage only. OTOH it has remote volume control.
Chinese origins aside, a used Eastern Electric Min-Max (line stage only) tubed preamp with its rather elegant and simple circuit, can be had on Audiogon for about $600 or less. Per the (6 moons etc) reviews and many owners comments, this seems to be an exceptionally musical preamp.
I would second the minimax, I had one a few years ago, have since moved way up scale (price wise anyhow), minimax was a great preamp for the money.