There have been some comments on the dark sonic signature of Sonus Fabers which are spot on. However, this is only applicable to the the lower lines in Sonus Fabers. They are very coloured speakers, certainly not neutral with a glorious midrange and rolled=off highs as some has suggested. Absolutely wonderful on vocals but doesn't possess the speed and transient attack on some materials compared to more neutral speakers, and some highs might not be reproduced as convincingly. PLay some piano tracks and you would notice the sound is somewhat not quite right.
The higher end models Amati Homage or Stradivari don't show these faults though.
Krell has always been a good amp to counter the warmish character of the Sonus Fabers. Have seen many driving Electra Amator I & II as well as GP's and Cremonas.
The higher end models Amati Homage or Stradivari don't show these faults though.
Krell has always been a good amp to counter the warmish character of the Sonus Fabers. Have seen many driving Electra Amator I & II as well as GP's and Cremonas.