Tube takeover

For all you bottleheads, here's some very bad news:

Regardless of your opinion of the Sovtek brand, this is sure to drive up the price of tubes in general. That's a lot of production going offline...
If you have compared Chinese and nos American tubes, you would be unhappy about the prospects. I do not think much of Russian made tubes either, however. Maybe the mafia will make better tubes.
In earlier discussions on tubes some people wrote that not only were all those WWII factories and equipment long gone, but the knowledge and artistry that went into making them also went extinct. Sad indeed. My hunt for WWII era VT-231s must continue.
Lessee here,

Sovtech, Sveltana, Ei, (the Chineese), Tesla-JJ, Western Electric, KR Enterprises, Philips, and the list goes on.

It would be as loss but this will not justify and attempt by toob theives, er salesmen to ramp the price up again. Toobs are already at the critical price point.

As SS catches the sound of toobs without the hassle of bias and burn-out the justification for toob usage is starting to wane. And yes I still use toobs.

Here is a link to a July 15th interview of Mike Matthews discussing the current status of his tube manufacturing plant. Looks like things are now under control.
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