DK Design Review

Strange silence on the recent DK Design review considering all the comments previously about this integrated.
I have a strange feeling that a majority of the negative posts are from people who have not even heard this product, sure the past marketing was a shame but un-educated rants about the ACTUAL performance and quality is atleast as or more criminal, if you never heard it then input your thoughts elsewhere...and get a life.
That being said, is it, is it the be-all-end-all integrated...ofcourse not, but it is very good of gear and sounds great for what money you are paying for it I spent a few days hanging out with a fellow AGON member, we listened to 5 systems wich included gear such as , Theil, Esoteric, BAT, VPI, Genesis, BW, and other high end gear that ascapes me, my point is to simply say we heard some very good gear, the most enjoyable was the time spent with the DK, it was the most entertaining....and the cheapest.
Ellery, I looked at your system and I believe you should refrain from making comments as the only standard set by the makers of your amplifier is the company going out of business!
Snofun, clearly the reviewer says that based on the performance and the build of the amplifier, "I figured I was listening to an amplifier that would retail somewhere between $5000 and $7000". So, what is your beef? This is definitely an outstanding complement to the DK.

I am also surprised that no one brought this up yet, but there is actually a mistake in the review. The reviewer states that Siemens NOS tubes were used in the DK during the HE2005 show where he heard it first and thought so highly of it. But, the tubes that were used in the DK during the show and driving Von Schweikert speakers were the Mullard Cryo CV2492.

I actually tried the Siemens NOS in my DK VS-1 Mk. 3 and did not like them very much. But the Mullard CV2492 did make a phenominal difference in sound quality.

Despite all this commotion about the DK, I have never talked to anyone who actually heard the unit or owned it that did not enjoy their time with it; I wish the same could be said about Krell, Levinson, and a few other brands that appear in Snofun's system...
In the new Bound For Sound ( Martin G. DeWulf writes "I have been working with the DK VS1 Signature (tube, solid state hybrid) for a while now, and I can say without fear of contradiction, that the VS1 Signature totally wipes out any distinctions one can make between integrateds of the past and the highest performing separates of today. Oh my, is it good! Honestly, I'm having trouble coming up with a separates combo - at any price - that is as revealing and harmonically complete as the DK Signature. And the DK is frightfully powerful, delivering brute strength and energy to the VMPS RM40s in ways that few amps ever have."