Are ICEpower amps really that good?

Hi folks, it's getting a bit boring now, but I would like to hear your opinions about the following issue. I have the eAR ICEpower based amps (with the ASP1000 modules with built in SMPS). Some audiophiles and amp manufacturers believe they are just trash. In my opinion they are no slouch compared with the almost 8 times more expensive Accuphase A-50V stereo amp. In fact, I prefer the ICEpower amps above the Accuphase. Now I'm a bit in doubt (audiophiles are such weird creatures): are this sub $2k ICEpower amps really that good that they can compete with the $$$ Accuphase amp, or is it due to my own shortcoming (I might have some form of insidious and progressive hearing impairment) or is it just imagination? If the ICEpower amps are really that good, what's the point of buying $$$ amps? Btw, I have Dunlavy SC-V loudspeakers.

I have read an Nuforce owner argue (Audiogon thread) that it was more musical and warmer than the Conrad-Johnson SE60 it replaced. Have you ever listened to an ICE power based amp in direct comparison to the type of amps you believe are "better?"
I haven't, but I am definitively interested in exploring this evolving new amplification.
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Mind if I ramble a bit?? Your question is interesting in part because it brings up the old conflict of descriptors such as "detailed", "warm", "veiled", etc. It comes down to preference. In thinking about your question it occurred to me that we all have so much time and money invested in our equipment that it becomes very personal. There are those of us who like a certain sound quality when we listen, and some who just want to perfectly recreate a studio or concert hall recording, warts and all. Maybe the SET and tube officiadoes prefer Van Gogh or Rembrandt, and the Icepower lovers prefer the pointalists or photographic art. Not that we don't appreciate one or the other, but what do we like the most, and spend our money on? What do you listen for in recordings?
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Hi Tvad,

Can I ask you what preamp they paired the Nuforce Ref 9.02SE with at the show? I am curious to know. Thanks

I haven't heard your specific amps but the Nuforce have me rethinking what was possible at different price points. I auditioned the Nuforce in my own system and was pleasantly suprised. I don't own them yet.