All Japanese system

Hey all, I was wondering, just for fun, if anyone could take a shot at "designing" an all Japanese system (including, amp, preamp, CD, turntable, cartridge, speakers, interconnects) at the price point of $7000 used. I have a friend who is interested, and I'm sort of out of my element here. He is looking for that "characteristic Japanese sound" ;)

Take care,
How about new?

Almarro M2A speakers: $2600/pr.
Almarro A5070A integrated tube amp: $2250
47 Labs OTA interconnects kit: $600
ICL-/Softone Model 3 CD Player: $1500

$6950 and spring a few more bucks for Anti-Cable speaker wires while I look for something Japanese.

Almarro M3A speakers: $2900/pr.
Almarro A318B integrated tube amp: $1850
CEC TL-51XZ Belt Drive System CD Player: $1600
Luxman JPX-10000-R RCA Interconnect: $289
Luxman JPS-10000 Ultimate Speaker Cable 3m: $809


This is all new...
213cobra -

I'm curious about the CDP, which I would use as a transport primarily. Have you heard this player? Price is right but by the time shipping and duties are applied it could be just as easy to snag a CEC transport.
Hmmm....I forgot a TT, arm, cartridge, phono preamp. So, let's make room for them:

Almarro Korro 3033A System: $3350
(A318B integrated tube amp + M33A speakers)
47 Labs OTA interconnects kit: $600
Dynavector DV75 phono preamp: $600
Technics SL1210Mk5 turntable, with some KAB options: $69
Denon DL103 moving coil phono cartridge: $260
ICL-/Softone Model 3 CD Player: $1500

$7,000 and spring a few more bucks for Anti-Cable speaker wires while I look for something Japanese.

I heard the ICL-Softone CDP once. I was impressed. The simple FET analog output section is clean and sweet and the digital processing is smooth. I have a Softone 300B amp which is loaded with big-T TONE and the digital gear is designed to a similar standard. As a transport only, the unit is exceedingly well-built and it's more compact than the CEC, as I recall.
